Tell Gov. Hochul: Brooklyn needs a reimagined Downstate University Hospital!

SUNY tried to shutter SUNY Downstate University Hospital but a Brooklyn coalition of community and faith leaders, patients, medical students and union leaders rose up and shut that plan down.

That was last year.

This year, the community coalition faces a new challenge: convincing Gov. Kathy Hochul and the Downstate Community Advisory Board (DCAB) to upgrade and reimagine Downstate hospital as a full-service, inpatient hospital that provides life-saving health care to hundreds of thousands of people across Brooklyn.

DCAB public hearings

  • The third of the DCAB’s three public hearings on a long-term plan for Downstate hospital is set for 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
    on Thursday, March 13
    at SUNY Downstate, 395 Lenox Road in Brooklyn.
  • Please attend this meeting and tell DCAB members why Downstate is so important to Brooklyn.
  • The DCAB also has a website with information about its public hearings, at

Urge Gov. Hochul to support a reimagined Downstate!

Please send an e-letter to Gov. Hochul urging her to support and fully fund a reimagined Downstate University Hospital.

Click HERE To send the e-letter now!

UUP endorses Brooklyn for Downstate

UUP supports a plan to revitalize and reinvigorate Downstate hospital issued by Brooklyn for Downstate, a Brooklyn coalition of community, health care, unions and business organizations and leaders that demand a reimagined Downstate hospital. UUP’s Executive Board voted in February to formally endorse BFD’s plan for Downstate.

Click HERE to view architectural renderings of BFD’s vision of a reimagined, revitalized Downstate University Hospital.

Click HERE to view BFD’s recommendations for a vital, long-range plan for Downstate University Hospital.

CODE RED: Brooklyn Needs Downstate

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