SUNY tried to shutter SUNY Downstate University Hospital but a Brooklyn coalition of community and faith leaders, patients, medical students and union leaders rose up and shut that plan down.
That was last year.
This year, the community coalition faces a new challenge: convincing Gov. Kathy Hochul and the Downstate Community Advisory Board (DCAB) to upgrade and reimagine Downstate hospital as a full-service, inpatient hospital that provides life-saving health care to hundreds of thousands of people across Brooklyn.
Please send an e-letter to Gov. Hochul urging her to support and fully fund a reimagined Downstate University Hospital.
Click HERE To send the e-letter now!
UUP supports a plan to revitalize and reinvigorate Downstate hospital issued by Brooklyn for Downstate, a Brooklyn coalition of community, health care, unions and business organizations and leaders that demand a reimagined Downstate hospital. UUP’s Executive Board voted in February to formally endorse BFD’s plan for Downstate.
Click HERE to view architectural renderings of BFD’s vision of a reimagined, revitalized Downstate University Hospital.
Click HERE to view BFD’s recommendations for a vital, long-range plan for Downstate University Hospital.
Sign up HERE to stay informed about the Brooklyn Needs Downstate campaign and share your story of why SUNY Downstate Hospital is important to you.
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