For our political work to be successful it is critical that legislators and their staff see that we are dedicated to our cause. That is why it is so important to increase our engagement in our advocacy. Our elected officials will take notice when we show up, share our stories and do the grassroots work of fighting for our issues. Our ask this year is simple – get involved and bring a friend or co-worker. Give us just a few days over the next 365 to get involved with UUP. Whether it’s meeting your legislator in their district office, attending an advocacy day in Albany, or just sending a message to your legislator, your presence and your participation matters. Check out all the different ways you can get involved in UUP’s advocacy efforts below!
Take Action:
Send a Letter to Congress

Future letter writing campaigns to be posted
Take Action:
Call your Congressional Representative

Stay tuned for future calling campaigns
Take Action:
Post on Social Media

Use UUP’s Social Media Tool Kit to push for the adoption of President Biden’s stimulus package. The toolkit will help you post directly to elected officials and/or encourage colleagues, friends, and family to join phone banks or even send letters.