March 26, 2020

Dear UUP- represented employees,
I am happy to report that the telemedicine benefit is now available to enrollees in the Empire Plan, SEHP, and the Excelsior Plan. The Department of Civil Service has posted the message below on NYSHIP Online. In addition, they will send a notice to your Health Benefits Administrators for distribution and will send a postcard to UUP enrollees at their homes.
To access the telemedicine program, LiveHealth Online, enrollees must go to to access the link and obtain the coupon code. The coupon code will be entered as the payment. Instructions are attached for signing up. Enrollees should follow the instructions and provide the information as it is requested.
UUP and the Empire Plan is doing all they can to support you and your family through this unprecedented time and is introducing a new telehealth benefit to help you access health care services remotely. LiveHealth Online lets you stay home and have a video visit with a board-certified doctor or licensed therapist on your smartphone, tablet or personal computer.
If you are concerned about leaving your home to receive medical care or your ability to access care, The Empire Plan will cover telehealth visits at no cost to you. Register or login at to get a coupon code to cover the full cost of your LiveHealth Online visit.
Click Here for the coupon code and instructions.
Thank you,
Tom Tucker
UUP Vice President for Professionals